Thursday, October 7, 2010

Doghouse (2009)

Doghouse is a 2009 British horror comedy and splatter film.
The plot revolves around a group of men who travel to a remote village in England to help one of their friends get over his divorce. Upon arriving, they discover that all the women have been infected with a toxin that turns them into man-hating cannibals.

Vince (Stephen Graham) is depressed following his divorce. Six of his friends, all faced with their own women problems, decide to take him on a trip into the countryside to a village called Moodley where the women are meant to outnumber the men "4:1" for a "boys' weekend". As they approach the town of Moodley the road is blocked by the corpses of two massacred sheep and they joke "welcome to the country" as they leave the bus driver Candy (Christina Cole) to drag the dead animals out of the way and continue on to the village. A phone rings to the tune of the Match of the Day but all the boys have the same ringtone and are not sure whose phone it is, driving Neil to insist they all hand over their phones to prevent the weekend being spoiled by constant long distance nagging. They leave their bags on the bus with Candy and head to the pub The Cock & Bull. As they leave Candy puts drops on her already bloodshot eyes. Mikey goes to his nan's house to check they have a place to stay for the night.
As the town is quiet and they are unable to get service in the pub the boys head back to the bus. They notice a hooded girl stumbling around, perhaps homeless, they reach for change to give to her but she is then tackled by a man in military uniform who starts beating her. They rush to her aid, not giving the man any chance to explain, knocking a knife from his hand. As they fight him off the teen takes the knife and stabs Neil through the hand and the friends begin to realise what is happening. They run for the bus dragging the unconscious soldier with them but Candy has already become infected and blocks their escape. More women attack them and they retreat to Mikey's nans's house. They discover the virus only affects women, Vince puns it must be "bird flu" and airborne since Candy had not even left the bus. The soldier, stating his name is Sergeant Gavin Wright, (Terry Stone) admits the town has been infected by a biological agent that turns women into man-hating cannibals.
The men make another attempt to get on the bus, the group nominate Neil to lure Candy away, saying it is only fair since "women love him". They manage to distract Candy long enough to get on the bus but only to be attacked by two more women hidden on the bus. They scatter about the village, hiding in various places around the tiny town including a toy store, a clothes shop, and the butcher shop. Patrick is trapped on a billboard with an axe wielding bride chopping away at the supports. Neil runs into a house thinking he is safe but is knocked unconscious, he awakes, the prisoner of a morbidly obese women who cuts off his little finger and eats it. Eventually they are chased into the Church and discover a military command centre as the bride attempts to destroy the door. Matt powers up the computers and they talk briefly to local politician Meg Nut. They realise Meg Nut had been involved somehow in the distribution of the toxin disguised as biological washing powder. The soldier finds a control box and explains it is a sonar device designed to emit a high pitched sound only women can hear and only works on Phase 2 monsters leaving them stunned. He hits the button and is confident the device has worked as the pounding on the door has stopped but the silence is shattered as Mikey's nan's shears his spine in two as she appears from the church confessional with a set of garden shears. Matt bludgeons her with a golf club. Traumatized by what he has done, he walks off and is killed when a "Phase 2" monster pierces him through the chest with a sword.
Banksy eventually arrive, oblivious to what has been happening he thinks they must be on drugs. They send him to fetch a nearby ladder to help them escape from the church roof. They pull up the ladder and use it to cross to another roof. Graham falls behind and is knocked off the ladder to the ground by the obese woman, who then proceeds to jump off the roof and crushes him. Banksy leads them to his vehicle, parked behind the collapsed billboard. They run to make their escape but are dismayed when his car turns out to be a small Smart car and not big enough for all of them to escape. Tempers flare, Patrick tries to get them to chill out and not attack each other as they are not to blame for the bigger problem. As he speaks he is attacked and dies a messy bloody death. Banksy is killed at the minibus, stabbed in the chest with a broken wine bottle. The remaining three Vince, Neil, and Mikey, get safely aboard the minibus. Vince has an epiphany, he realises he is having a mid-life crisis and begins a speech. He berates Neil and Mikey who treat their women poorly but get away with it when men like him behave how women say they want, only to be discarded. As they finally escape the town in the minibus, the voice of Graham crackles over the walkie-talkie. He had been dragged to a pile of bodies and left for dead in the 'Nest' under the church. The men are determined to go back for him. As Graham makes his way out from the church he discovers the control box and machine behind the stun device and reconnects the power. With the working stun device the men are able to stop the women in their tracks. Neil plays around turning the device on and off, freezing the crowd and taunting them by allowing them to move for just a second. He throws the device to give the others a turn but it breaks and the women are unleashed and begin to charge at them. Pushing the injured Graham in a shopping trolley, the four make a run for it laughing.

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