Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Dangerous Man (2010)

A Dangerous Man is a 2010 action film. It stars Steven Seagal as a man who's released from prison after spending 6 years locked up for a crime he didn't commit.


In Arizona, some punk (Clay Virtue) tries to rob a woman named Holly Daniels (Aidan Dee). It turns out that Holly is the wife of ex-Special Forces soldier Shane Daniels (Steven Seagal), and Shane gives the punk a beating.
The mugger manages to run off, with Shane chasing him. The mugger ends up dead, and Shane is the sole suspect. After being locked up for 6 years, Shane stands before a judge. He listens as the judge tells him that he has the State of Arizona's apology for spending the last six years incarcerated.
With the help of an organization called Project Innocence, Shane's innocence has been proven. DNA testing has proven Shane's innocence beyond a shadow of a doubt, and the gun used in the murder was found in possession of another man. The Judge asks if there is anything Shane wants to say. A visibly angry Shane says he doesn't want money—he wants his life back.
Shane is released with an apology from the State of Arizona. But he feels that his $300,000 settlement doesn’t make up for his wasted life. And by that time, Holly has left him, which leaves him bitter. Holly left him before he was released, because, after six years, she decided that she couldn't wait up for him any longer.
Off the coast of Seattle, Washington, a ship full of smuggled Chinese people is arriving. After it arrives, an old Chinese man is taken to a safehouse. Back in Arizona, within hours of being released to the streets, Shane stops at a liquor store and buys a bottle of bourbon.
Back outside, Shane finds himself the intended victim of a street robbery. Using a combination of brutal boxing and martial arts skills, Shane beats up his two attackers.
Unable to cope in the noisy city, Shane takes to the road. At a rest stop along a lonely stretch of highway, it’s early evening and there are no other cars in the parking lot, with the exception of Shane, who is taking long pulls from his half empty bourbon bottle while thinking about Holly, recalling a sexual incident where she gyrated upon him nude, while he was fully clothed, including a jacket.
That’s when he witnesses a state trooper pulling over a car containing two Chinese nationals. When the Chinese nationals kill the state trooper and try to kill a couple of witnesses, namely a young man named Sergey (Jesse Hutch) and his friend Markov (Robin Nielsen), Shane is forced to intervene, and Markov gets killed by one of the Chinese men.
In a brutal fight, he kills one of the attackers and sends the other one running off into the desert. When Shane checks on the dead cop, he hears noise coming from the trunk of the Chinese national’s car. Inside, he finds an unconscious woman and a duffel bag full of cash.
Fearing that the cops will implicate him in the death of the trooper and knowing that the Chinese national will return with back-up, Shane takes the girl, the cash, and Sergey into the nearest small town, which is called Bellingham. Sergey admits that his father, Vlad (Vitaly Kravchenko), sells stolen cars.
The now conscious woman, Tia (Marlaina Mah), begs Shane and Sergey not to turn her over to the cops or the Chinese. Tia tells Shane and Sergey that the cops in Bellingham killed her friends when she was kidnapped. On the next morning, Shane has Sergey drop him and Tia off at a motel.
In a motel room, Tia explains to Shane that she was trying to get her uncle Kuan (Vincent Cheng) into the USA. She was contacted by someone who said they could help. She was told to show up alone, but she insisted on bringing some of her friends since it was the first time she and her contact were meeting.
The meeting place was an abandoned mill in a remote place about 50 miles away from Bellingham. The man she met is a Chinese drug smuggler named Chen (Terry Chen). Chen told Tia that he would help smuggle Kuan into the USA. Tia now feels that she should have known it was a trap. Two cops from Bellingham opened fire and killed her friends.
Tia was then forced into a room where another man was waiting. The man said he was waiting for Kuan's arrival, and that Tia was going to be held for ransom until the man got the information he needed from Kuan. And then someone placed a cloth over Tia's mouth, knocking her out with chloroform.
Tia's father hadn't sent her alone. She had gone against his wishes. It was his preference to keep trying to get Kuan into the USA through legal channels. Tia feels that she had to make sure Kuan escaped from China. Kuan is an accountant. He wanted out, but it's not the kind of job you can just quit.
Kuan is involved with some senior members in the Chinese Army—men who are in charge of an area known as the Golden Triangle, a place in Burma where poppies are cultivated. That's why Kuan was denied entrance into the USA. In addition to that, Kuan knows too much about what his employers are doing for them to let him go.
The man who told Tia that she was going to be held for ransom is known as the Colonel (Byron Mann). The Colonel asked Tia some questions about Kuan, almost as if he was trying to make sure she was who she said she was. As it turns out, Bellingham is under Chen's control, and the Bellingham police department is actually run by Chen and his group.
Sgt. Ritchie (Jerry Wasserman) and his henchman Clark (Mike Dopud), the two Bellingham cops who are working for Chen, go to Little Russia, Vlad's restaurant, and ask Vlad if he knows where Shane is, but Vlad turns them away, even threatening to cut Ritchie's testicles off. Two Chinese men break into the motel room where Shane and Tia are at, but Shane kills them, and he and Tia escape.
Outside Little Russia, Tia tells Shane that Kuan will be arriving before the day is out, and she's worried about what will happen to him. They go inside. The bartender is not willing to tell Shane where Vlad and Sergey are, so Shane is forced to beat him up, and demand that he take him to Vlad. Ritchie, Clark, and some Chinese men go to where Vlad lives, and Ritchie orders a Chinese man to kill Vlad.
Shane and Tia arrive at Vlad's place, and are taken to where Vlad and Sergey are. Vlad is grateful that Shane saved Sergey's life. As day becomes night, the Colonel has his men start killing Chen's men. The Colonel has them all killed, except for Chen. Chen spits on the Colonel, and the Colonel retaliates by pistol whipping Chen, and then spitting on Chen.
Vlad agrees to help Shane and Tia. And then the Colonel's men start killing Vlad's men. Ritchie, Clark, and another cop go in. A Russian man finds them and shoots the unnamed cop. Clark kills the Russian man. Vlad, Sergey, Shane, and Tia start moving throughout the house. Sergey and Tia are with Shane. Men from each side start getting killed.
After Shane kills a Chinese man, another one finds Sergey and Tia. Sergey fights with him, and when Tia tries to shoot the Chinese man, another one appears and grabs her. Sergey fatally stabs the man he's fighting with. Sergey grabs a nearby gun, and goes to find Tia.
Shane grabs the guy who's got Tia, and tells Tia to run. After beating the guy up, Shane kills him by stabbing him with a chop stick. Sergey finds Tia, and they start running.
Outside, where Ritchie, Clark, and the wounded cop have retreated to, Vlad fatally shoots Clark, and then Ritchie sees Sergey and Tia coming outside. Ritchie aims at them, and Shane comes outside, and he and Sergey fatally shoot Ritchie. Two Russian men are sent to the patrol car to check it out, and they kill the wounded cop.
Shane, Tia, Sergey, and Vlad leave to try to rescue Kuan from the Colonel. At the abandoned mill, one of the Colonel's men throws Chen on the floor in front of him. Kuan is on his way to the mill, being escorted by a pair of Chen's men. The Colonel has his men plant bombs all over the mill. And Kuan arrives.
The Colonel's men kill Kuan's two escorts. Gunfire erupts, and the Colonel's men start getting killed. Chen frees himself from his bonds, only to get shot by one of the Colonel's men, and then the Colonel fatally shoots Chen. After Shane kills some of the Colonel's men, Tia gets shot.
Shane covers the wound, and tells Sergey to watch Tia. Shane returns to fighting the Colonel's men, and Sergey lifts Tia up and starts carrying her to safety. Shane battles his way to the Colonel, who has Kuan as a hostage.
Shane and the Colonel open fire on each other, and they both run out of bullets. Shane brutally beats the Colonel up, and then gets Kuan out of there. The Colonel grabs a machine gun, and leaves the room. Just as the Colonel is about to shoot Shane, the bombs start detonating, and the Colonel is blown off of the catwalk he was on. The Colonel, who is on fire, plunges to his death.
Vlad later makes sure Kuan can stay in the USA, and Shane and Tia have a new home together somewhere outside the USA.

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